I, Me, My FUTURE self

Amandeep Singh
2 min readOct 6, 2020

Imagine living in a peaceful mountain valley, overlooking Himalayas and yet connected with the entire world, doesn’t sound possible right.

Well today in 2025, this scenario is possible when we see the life of this successful digital marketer.

Amandeep has come a long way from his first job of being a project manager. He had a mix of professional experience in the field of Radio, Television, Big ticket Events and Sponsorships along with testing entrepreneurial waters but he was longing for excellence.

Around the years of 2017 to 2019 there were many of the businesses at the cusp of digital marketing adoption and gradually they were infusing the budgets in digital mediums. Digital marketing was the buzzword.

Then something happened and it propelled the digital marketing to a far higher pedestrian. In the beginning of 2020, the entire world was hit with Coronavirus. That unfortunate life event, brought the world to a stand-still. Everyone was confined to their homes. Lives were at huge risk of contamination and businesses sunk to extreme low. Many of the individuals lost their relatives, jobs, money and much more.

During those trying times, few marketers who adopted digital marketing, sailed through. COVID-19 situation actually accelerated the digital adoption at both — customer as well as brand’s end. I can confidently say that digital marketing has become an essential part of the marketing mix for any product or organization, enjoying the maximum share of the marketing budget.

Amongst those who welcomed digital marketing in their lives, Amandeep was one of them who took that plunge, shaping his career more holistically, that included deeper understanding of customer behavior, better data-driven decisions and brand management. Crucial business decisions are now heavily data dependent and with digital marketing, he is enabling his organization to make efficient decisions and fetch more value for every buck spent.

Today this article is dedicated to his sheer passion of marketing and understanding the consumers and a celebration to his award of 40 under 40 for digital marketing.

He is amongst those individuals who not only have professional skillsets and goals, but also possess soft skills of empathy and selflessness. He always believes in promoting a culture of empowering the peers and challenging them to improve for better.

